Collected Poems and Stories

Collected Poems and Stories

Author : Adam Donaldson Powell
Binding : Paperback (pp: 175)
ISBN : 81-8253-028- 8
Publisher :, Allahabad, India
Pub.Date : 2005
Price : $15

Adam Donaldson Powell's Publishing (and stage performance) Credits:


Author of novels, novellas, short stories, poetry, essays, literary criticism and photobook criticism. He is also a visual artist (painter and internet photographer), and has previously worked professionally in the following artistic disciplines: classical music and theatre/dance (in the USA and Norway). Adam Donaldson Powell writes and publishes his literary works in several languages, primarily including: English, Norwegian, Spanish, French.

 Book publication (to date):

Critical Essays, literary and photobook criticism by Adam Donaldson Powell and Dr. Santosh Kumar, 108 pages,, India, ISBN 978-81-8253-110-9.

Le Paradis (Paradise), 80 pages,, ISBN 978-81-8253-103-1, 2008, India. Includes a booklet with symbols from
The Universal Language of Light, as seen by Laila Holand.

Rapture: endings of space and time (86 pages), Cyberwit,net, ISBN 978-81-8253-083-6, 2007, India.

Three-legged Waltz, (80 pages),, ISBN 818253058X, 2006, India.

Collected Poems and Stories, (175 pages),, ISBN 8182530288, 2005, India.

Arcana and other archetypes, (special limited edition - hardback collection of poetry), AIM Chapbooks ANS, 2001, Norway (now out-of-print).

Notes of a Madman, (hardback collection of poetry), Winston-Derek Publishers, Inc., 1987, ISBN 1-55523-054-7, USA (now out-of-print).


Other literary publication:

Essays, literary criticism and photobook criticism by Adam Donaldson Powell has appeared in many literary magazines, literary websites, newspapers etc., including but not limited to: Ginyu, Los Muestros, Lynx Online Literary Magazine, Skyline Review, Taj Mahal Review, Samora Magazine, Kritya: a journal of poetry, Writer's Cramp, Portugal News, Skyline Magazine's and Hudson View Poetry Digest's literary criticism website etc. Adam has reviewed many talented authors, including: Albert Russo, Pradip Choudhuri, Jan Oskar Hansen, Shirley Bolstok, Robert P. Craig, Mary Barnet, Literary House Review 2007, Orania Hamilton, Geert Verbeke, Barbara Elizabeth Mercer, Alan D. Busch, Fernando Rodríguez, Victoria Valentine, Vijaiganga, Marie Mappley, Robert M. Wilson, Linda A. Peters, Santosh Kumar, Ban'ya Natsuishi, Susan Morales Guerra, Sayumi Kamakura, Moshé Liba etc.

Adam has written prefaces for books, and edited novels and books of poetry, as well as individual poems and short stories, written by several other authors.

Adam's own poetry, artwork, stories and novellas have appeared in several literary reviews and journals, anthologies, online magazines, literary websites etc. on several continents.


 Distinctions and memberships:

Recipient of Norwegian Foreign Ministry's travel stipend for authors, 2005.

World Poets Society
Poetas del Mundo
Norwegian P.E.N.
Bilingual MCA

Poetry performance:

Adam has performed his poetry in English, Spanish and Norwegian, and at various venues from New York City to Oslo to Buenos Aires to Kathmandu to ...

See Adam's website: for examples of his writing, his
visual art and for comments on / reviews of his poetry by others.

About Adam D. Powell

Adam Donaldson Powell (USA-Norway) has published several books previously, including novels/novellas, poetry, literary criticism and more - in USA, Norway and India. He writes in English, Spanish, Norwegian and French. Mr. Powell is also a visual artist (painter, installation artist and photographer), and a literary critic (primarily poetry books, haiku books, and books of short prose).

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